I am taking a break from school! A much needed break.
We went for a long walk in the woods the other day to celebrate.
These little purple wildflowers are all over.
Does anyone know what they are?

These are Carolina Jessamine.
They are a climbing vine and they are usually quite high up in the tree.
These were lower so I took the opportunity to get a few shots.
They smell good too.

This patch was a little higher up. My sweet Hubby held the camera high to get this one.
They are so pretty. The individual blossoms are a little more than an inch long.
They are similar to Jasmin, but not the same. Our Jasmin is not out yet.

I invited you to join me for a walk.
Here is the head of our trail.
The woods are lovely today.
The temperature is mild, in the 70's (about 21 Celsius) the sun is shining, and there is a light breeze.
(I think this trail needs a little clearing, oh well, it is fine for walking)

This is an unusual tree. I have seen them like this before.
I don't know why they grow this way, but this one seems happy enough.

This area reminds me of New Mexico, yet it is a short walk from our house.
This area was probably part of the original plantation. We own the five acres around the house and the rest is in forest now. Our house was built up on brick pillars. Originally you would have been able to see under the house between the pillars but at some point in the past, an owner filled the spaces between pillars with more bricks. If you look close you can tell which is which. The clay for the original pillars and the chimneys probably came from the property. When we had the chimneys rebuilt we found some bricks that have partial hand prints in them. We had a few of those reset so you can see them in the library.

The clay limits what will grow, and how it grows.
This is an interesting specimen. I wonder what made it grow curly like that.

Interesting, but let's head back into the woods.

Oh dear! Now this would make a good story.
How and why?
It is an old Chevy truck and you can see it has been here a long time.
It is a long way from any road.
We think it was a flatbed, maybe a logging truck?

Creek bed.
Not quite big enough for fishing.

This is one of our neighbors.
It is the nearest structure to our place that is still standing.
We have no idea what it was for or how old it is.
It is slowly falling apart.
Here we come back out onto the road home.
Wasn't that a lovely walk?
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.