This photo is scanned from one of my parent's old slides. This is my Dad with one of his old pickups. He loved being out in the woods too.
One of the many wonderful things about living here, is the ability to go camping with very little hassle. We have had plenty of practice so it takes almost no time to pack up and there are several great spots within easy driving distance. We all enjoy being outside (does that surprise anyone)?
My earliest camping memory comes from when I was about 3 or 4 years old. Mom, Dad, Margaret,Pete, Paula and I all went camping.
At that time we had a camper that sat in thebed of Dad's pickup. I think it was one of the type that extends above the cab. Mom and Dad slept in the bed. Margaret and Paula slept on the floor, Pete slept outside, (I am pretty sure he
volunteered, If I was 4 then he was 11). I slept in a strange cot arrangement, suspended above my parents bed. There were, I believe supposed to
be three beds up there, green canvas cots separated by the poles that supported them. If I turned sideways, the supports would scoot together and I would be stuck. (I wonder if that was something my Dad came up with, he could fix anything, but not all of his ideas were perfect)I thought it was neat, but I know why I was the only one who "got" to sleep up there.

The other thing I remember about that trip is the flowers. I was over by the river, (not much more than a brook at that point and I was well supervised) there were some kind of flowers that were taller than me. I don't know what kind they were, I think they were white. They seemed magical, I pretended that I had somehow shrunk to fairy size. (This turtle visited us at home the other day)

I wandered in till I was completely hidden by the blossoms. I turned around in a slow circle, all I could see were the flowers and the sky. There were light fluffy clouds, that seemed close enough to touch and that deep blue that you only find high in the mountains.
I was really enjoying my fairy fantasy. When I was deep into the flower patch. I leaned closer to smell one of the flowers and WOW, the biggest fattest bee I had ever seen in my short little life climbed out of the flower! That guy was BIG. I 
The bee in this photo hitchhiked back home with us from our latest camping trip. He rode home on the inside of the van. When we found him, my sweet hubby convinced him to climb onto this paper plate so I could take a close up. Not bad. So fuzzy!
I remember a lot of camping trips with the Girl Scouts. Paula and I were in the same Junior troop for a while. The local Girl Scout Council had army surplus tents that we used. They were designed like Tee Pees with one central pole and lots of stakes. Not at all hard to put up. That is a good thing, they are also not at all hard to "accidentally" knock down. After one trip the leaders made I and Paula sleep in the same tent. I don't know why they would suspect us? I guess this is where I admit my part of all that. It was fun. Wonder if the other girls remember it.

Our troop was made up of girls from several different religions. Since some girls were not allowed Hot Chocolate, amongst other things, our leaders served Hot TANG in the morning. (Remember TANG, it is what the Astronaut's drank!) When ever I mention this to another adult, who is not from there, they are horrified. It was actually quite good. Kids like the idea. When I was a leader and I told our troop about the Hot Tang, they voted to try it on our next camping trip. They liked it and it went on all our trips after that.
I don't have a photo of the tang, but one of the old slides from my parents, shows someone making coffee over the campfire.
Camping when I was a kid was always in the Rocky mountains. The Rocky's don't feel at all like the Smoky Mountains. The Smoky mountains and the part of South Carolina where we live and camp are very green. The Rocky's are a lot dryer. The trees, plants and small animals are all just a little different. Some day I am going to camp in even more places. (I will take pictures and write about it here)
This wonderful old tree is out behind the house.

This wonderful old tree is out behind the house.