Well, I finally did it. I have been working on this for years.
My last few posts have been about waiting for results, they were good.
I don't know what my final grade point average is yet, but it is respectable.

Nursing has a tradition of celebrating graduate candidates above and beyond the usual graduation. Ours was held Friday night.

Two of our professors light lamps to pass the flame to us and we read the oath.
"I solemnly pledge myself before god and in presence of this assembly:
To live my life responsibly and to practice my profession faithfully;
I will avoid hurtful or malicious behaviors, and will not knowingly administer any harmful drugs;
I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standards of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal and family matters coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling;
I will collaborate with the fellow health care professionals to provide the highest standards of care, information, and education, and will devote myself to the welfare of those entrusted to my care."
(The Nightingale Pledge Revised-USC Aiken-School of Nursing)

The students wearing white are those who have attended Lander straight through for four years in the traditional manner. They still have to pass state boards to earn their Nursing License. Those of us in Blue "Cap and Gown" had Associate Degrees in Nursing, and have returned to complete the Bachelors Degree. We already have our Nursing Licenses and have been practicing. I am third from the right on this picture.

I was the oldest Grad, but only by two years. I think I am also the happiest.
My Sweet Husband has been right there with me all the way, I could not do it without him.
I am a very lucky girl.

My pin. (BSN stands for Bachelor of Science Nursing, the degree I just earned).
Next post, I promise, back to normal, no more school stuff.
Have a lovely Monday.