Photographs, notes, and art inspired by the good life. From an 1830's Antebellum house within the National Forest. Stop by and visit for a few, leave me a note.The Carolinas are calling.
28 November 2009
Decorating for Christmas

25 November 2009
At the Spa
22 November 2009

17 November 2009
The Grandparents

My Mom made excellent Pumpkin Pie, my favorite desert. (My Sweet Hubby, however, makes much better crusts) We always had Pumpkin pie for desert on Thanksgiving. With a crowd that big, there was probably apple pie too. I don't remember, when pumpkin pie is on the table, I can't see any reason to worry about any other kind. I guess you could count Mom's Yams as a desert too. She used candied yams from a can, put them in a greased square metal pan, put marshmallows on top and stuck it in the oven. We called them sweet potatoes, (I didn't know back then how many wonderful things you can do with sweet potatoes, that might be a whole other post).

After that Thanksgiving, life went back to normal, except we used the camping dishes. That year for Christmas, several huge boxes arrived in the mail. My big brother Jimmy sent my Mom a brand new set of China for Christmas. It had everything from serving dishes to tea cups and I think there was service for 12. My sister Mary and her husband also sent my Mom a complete set of china for Christmas that year. Both sets were lovely. The set Jimmy sent was the prettiest and had gold around the rims so Mom decided Jimmy's set would be used for special occasions and Mary's for everyday. The Melmac went back out to the camper and Mom just beamed.

16 November 2009
The other morning
The first fire of the season was a lovely warm success! I had to work this weekend and it is too warm this morning, but the season has begun and there is plenty of wood in the pile.
Hope you are warm and cozy this morning.
12 November 2009
Ten things I like about November

06 November 2009
Heintooga Round Bottom Road

I love the sound it makes when you walk through autumn leaves. It is a most satisfying crunch. I made the video just to record it. It reminds me of being a kid and playing in piles of leaves, of walking to school with my big sister Paula and the Dipolma kids (Tammy and Terry were our best friends when we were small). The leaves smell so good too but I haven't figured out how to share that part yet.

Have you had a chance to take a walk in the woods lately?
05 November 2009
02 November 2009
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