Hubby and I went to Charleston SC this weekend. As
usual it was great. It is hot and humid in August. The temp was 95 F. That with the humidity is a whole lot hotter than 95 F in New Mexico. However; once you get downtown in the historic district, the ocean breeze improves matters considerably. So dress cool and casual. Put on your comfy shoes and lets go.
Parking is free on Sunday, but not Saturday. You can find some free spots on the battery and occasionally near the Aquarium (Just off East Bay). We got one of the rare spots by the Aquarium.
Shortly after we left the car, we saw a pelican soaring over head. WOW! How can something so silly looking on the ground be so graceful in the air? Of course he was way too fast for me. Sorry no photo.
From there we walked down towards the market. I have heard it referred to as the "Slave market" but slaves were never sold there. In the bad old days, slaves would man the booths. If I understand it
correctly, some slaves lived on

their own and were allowed to trade or sell their own products in return for a share of the profit.
We stopped at several shops along Market. They were all doing a brisk business and many were particularly generous with their samples. We feasted on bites of spiced pecans and pralines from a number of places. Pralines are a lovely confection made by cooking brown sugar, butter, and milk together and using the result as a candy coating for pecans. My hubby makes the best of course, but of those that are commercially available in Charleston, "River Street Sweets" are unsurpassed. We also tried Gelato for the first time and bought a large Tiramisu flavored gelato to share.
Another unique treat, I tasted "Key Lime Fudge" (River Street Sweets) I know, it just sounds odd. It was really good.
From the market

area, we walked along King Street for the antique shops. The fountain picture is a courtyard that is part of one of them. The area around the fountain is as peaceful and cool as it looks. There are not as many antique shops as there used to be, but there are enough to provide a great afternoon or two of happy hunting.
My favorite jewelry store, "Dixie Dunbar's Studio"
( )is also along King Street. Her designs are always unique and and to me, feel like summer. I saw two

different turquoise necklaces that I really liked. This perfect piece of coral was the best thing in the store. I always come out of there inspired.
Sunday morning we had a long leisurely breakfast at our hotel. (Not as nice as Sunday morning at home, but then, I am spoiled rotten) After breakfast we attended our old Unitarian Universalist Church. We were not the only ones who felt the need to be with other Unitarians, the seats were full. Summer services are usually not that well attended.
The service was centered on music. (Uh-oh, there she goes again,). One thing that sticks in my mind is the idea of finding, or identifying a theme song for your life. Mine would definitely be "You can't always get what you want" by The Rolling Stones.
After the service,
Hubby and I tool our walk along the battery. Lovely views of the water on one side, amazing mansions on the other. I could not capture the clean, salty smell of the water, or the sound of the sea, but I took lots of photos. What a wonderful
On the way back home in the car, we listened to "The Bridge" FM 105.5 as long as we could get a signal then "Infamous Angel" A CD by Iris DeMint.
What is your theme song?
Have a great week, Kat